What are chakras? They are energy centers responsible for physiological, emotional, and spiritual functions. Chakras were first described in Hindu scriptures and the Vedas. There are seven traditional chakras located in the central channel of the energetic spine. Four of them are located in the upper body, while the other three are located in the lower body. Energy flows from the base of the spine to the crown of the head.
The names of the seven chakras are:
Root Chakra or Muladhara
Sacral Chakra or Svadhishthana
Solar Plexus Chakra or Manipura
Heart Chakra or Anahata
Throat Chakra or Vishuddha
Third Eye Chakra or Ajna
Crown Chakra or Sahasrara
Necronomicón - Rituales y Hechizos Avanzados
¡Descubre el escalofriante libro de magia negra Necronomicón y desata el poder oculto que está en tus manos! Desde las manifestaciones más aterradoras hasta los conjuros más poderosos, este libro te sumergirá en un mundo de oscuridad y misterio. ¿Estás listo para experimentar el poder de la magia negra? *Disponible en 6 idiomas.Ver Libro Necronomicón
The root chakra represents the feeling of being grounded.
The sacral chakra represents the connection and ability to accept new experiences.
The solar plexus relates to your self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-worth.
The heart chakra represents your ability to feel, care, love, and be happy.
The throat chakra is related to your ability to communicate and express your feelings.
The third eye chakra represents your intuition, imagination, focus, and creativity.
Finally, the crown chakra is related to spirituality and the ability to experience pure bliss.
The Blocking of the Chakras
Everyone wishes to live a joyful, balanced, and fulfilled life. That can only be possible if our chakras are open. Have you been feeling less energetic to do anything? If yes, it is possible that some of your chakras are clogged. When a person’s chakra gets blocked, it would be unable to attract energy but when they are opened and harmonized, we tend to feel healthier, happier, and better.
General Symptoms of a Blocked Chakra
Lack of concentration.
Depression and anxiety
Mood swings
Unable to relate and interact with others.
Feeling of numbness.
Lack of sexual desire.
Low self-esteem and temper flare-ups.
Constant feelings of anger, jealousy, and self-hatred.
Lack of creativity.
If you have noticed any of the symptoms of a blocked chakra, the next step would be to identify the specific chakra that is blocked.
Take a moment to examine your life. Where do you see lack and imbalance? Do you find it difficult to interact with people? Your throat chakra could be blocked. Are you often depressed? Your root chakra could be unbalanced.
When you have identified the chakra that is blocked, there are different exercises that can be performed to open it. Below are some examples:
Method one:
How to Perform Simple Chakra Breathing.
The seven chakras have a color associated with them. After identifying the blocked chakra, breathe in its corresponding color energy.
Now hold your breath and count to six. Visualize your chakra engulfed in the light or color.
Breathe out, brighten, and expand the chakra.
Breathe in through your base chakra brilliant white-gold light.
Direct the light up to your spine through the chakra that you are working on.
Direct the light out through your crown.
Breathe out and visualize the chakra shinning with white-gold light. Also, visualize as the chakra expands.
During this process, you have to vibrate some sounds.
Vibrations used in opening the chakras.
Base Chakra:
Sound—-Laum, vibrated as LLAHHH – UUU – MMM
Sacral Chakra:
Sound—-Vaum, vibrated as VAHHH – UUU – MMM
Solar Plexus Chakra:
Sound—– Raum, vibrated as RAHHH – UUU – MMM
Heart Chakra:
Sound—-Yaum, vibrated as YYAHHH – UUU – MMM
Throat Chakra:
Sound—–Haum, vibrated as HAHHH – UUU – MMM
Third Eye Chakra:
Sound— Aum, vibrated as AHHH – UUU – MMM
Crown Chakra:
Sound—– Maum, vibrated as MMAHHH – UUU – MMM
Method 2:
How to Unblock the Different Chakras
Root chakra:
Assume a meditation posture.
Let the tips of your thumb and index finger touch gently in a peaceful motion.
Visualize the root chakra and chant the sound “LAM.”
Do that silently but clearly.
Breathe in and out continuously until you are completely relaxed.
The Sacral Chakra:
Assume a meditation posture.
Place your left hand underneath the right hand. Let the left palm touch the back fingers of the right palm.
Let the tips of the thumbs touch gently.
Visualize the sacral chakra glowing, then chant the sound “VAM.”
Monitor your breathing until you are completely relaxed.
The Solar Plexus Chakra:
Assume a meditation posture.
Place your hand in front of your stomach slightly below your solar plexus.
Join the fingers at their tips and ensure that they are pointing away from you.
Cross the thumbs and straighten the other fingers.
Now, concentrate on the Solar Plexus chakra and chant the sound “RAM” until you feel relaxed.
The Heart Chakra:
Assume a meditation posture.
Let the tips of your index finger and thumb touch on both hands.
Keep your left hand on your left knee and your right hand in front of the lower part of your breastbone.
Concentrate on the heart chakra and vibrate the sound “YAM” for about 10 minutes.
Breathe in and out until you are completely relaxed.
The Throat Chakra:
Assume a meditation posture.
Cross all your fingers on the inside of your hands, except the thumbs.
Let the thumbs touch at their tips while pointing upward.
Visualize the throat chakra and chant the sound “HAM.”
Repeat that for about 5 to 10 minutes.
The Third-Eye Chakra:
Assume a meditation posture.
Place your hands in front of the lower part of your breastbone.
Let your middle fingers be straight, pointing away from your body and touching their tips.
Let the other fingers be bent and touching at the upper two phalanges.
Let the thumbs point toward you with their tips touching together.
Focus on the third eye chakra and vibrate the sound “OM.”
Keep repeating the sound until your feelings are intensified.
The Crown Chakra:
Assume a meditation posture.
Place your hands in front of your stomach.
Let your ring fingers point up with their tips touching each other.
Cross the other fingers with the left thumb underneath the right.
Focus on the crown chakra and silently chant the sound “Maum” for about 10 minutes.
Method three:
How to Open Your Chakras Using Crystals
Wearing certain crystals or keeping them around us can enhance the movement of energy through the blocked chakras.
Below is a list of crystals that can be used for opening the chakras
Root Chakra: Red jasper, hematite, garnet, onyx, etc.
Sacral Chakra: Amber, tiger eye, carnelian, orange zincite, orange coral.
Solar Plexus Chakra: Moonstone, sunstone, citrine, yellow sapphire, etc.
Heart Chakra: Rose quartz, garnet, jade, green tourmaline, malachite.
Throat Chakra: Lapis, azurite, blue lace agate, sapphire, etc.
Third Eye Chakra: Opalite, pearl, sodalite, turquoise, blue topaz, etc.
Crown Chakra: Diamond, white agate, clear quartz, amethyst, etc.
Healing the Chakras with Colors:
Have you considered the color technique? Each of the chakras represents a different color.
The root chakra represents red,
Sacral chakra—orange,
Solar plexus —-yellow,
Heart chakra — green,
Throat chakra—blue,
Third eye– indigo, and
Crown chakra —violet.
To balance these chakras, you can either wear or decorate your home with the appropriate colors.
In conclusion, there are many other methods that can be used to heal the chakras. In our next post, we shall consider them.