Questo articolo di Riley Winters ci racconta in dettaglio la storia del termine Paganesimo, che tutti noi neopagani dovremmo sapere. Fonte originale:
The word “paganism” has come to refer to various pre-Christian religions belonging to a number of ancient cultures—those from Greece, Roma, Egitto, Scandinavia, and so on. It has come to also represent, in alcuni circoli, the modern ideology of Wicca and the followers of revived versions of the old practices. The truth about “paganism”, tuttavia, is that it is a historically inaccurate phrase in the context of these aforementioned faiths. Although it is now the accepted term for these religions, è importante esaminare da dove viene veramente la parola e cosa significava inizialmente, permettendo un migliore, comprensione onnicomprensiva del passato religioso del mondo.
The term “paganism” was revived during the Renaissance when writers were trying to differentiate the old traditions from their contemporary Christian faith. The term itself stems from the Latin paganus translated loosely along the lines of “country dweller” or “rustic”; thus it was initially a word describing a person of locality rather than a religion. However, a causa del suo utilizzo nei testi antichi, medieval authors mistakenly believed it referenced a religious sect and thereby gave it the corresponding connotation. In actuality, there was a different word used to describe the “pagans” as they are called today, e anche quella parola derivava prima di tutto dalla posizione dei sostenitori religiosi.
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Secondo lo studioso Peter Brown della Princeton University, “Hellene” was initially utilized in place of “paganism”. “Hellene” was a reference to Ἕλλην (Hellas), the native ancient Greek name for what is now called Greece. Brown explains that when Christianity started making appearances in the eastern communities, “Hellene” was used to differentiate the non-Christians from the Christians. Those from Hellas tended to remain faithful to the old religions, ma con l'inizio del conflitto tra ebraismo e cristianesimo, the Jewish faction needed to ensure they were not incorrectly associated with them. As they were not from Greece, “Hellene” became the perfect title.
Nell'ovest latino, it was more common for the various religions to refer to themselves by their ethnic origins rather than by the gods they worshiped—they simply referred to themselves (nella loro lingua) come romani, greci, egiziani, eccetera., insinuando contemporaneamente anche le loro fazioni religiose. Questa forma di etichettatura era in gran parte dovuta al fatto che gli aspetti politici e religiosi della vita erano un'entità unificata. così, la tradizione dei titoli etnici sembra essere stata continuata dai primi cristiani. Per quanto le fonti antiche possono dire, it wasn’t until the Late Roman Empire that the term “pagan” began to be used instead, dato che era un modo semplice per raggruppare tutti i non cristiani in una conversazione, decreti, eccetera. È diventato popolare per una questione di convenienza piuttosto che per accuratezza e rispetto.
It is important to note that “paganism” is not intended to differentiate the polytheistic religions from the monotheistic. The number of gods does not apply to the term because many so-called “pagans” would have not considered it important to differentiate themselves based on the number of gods they worshiped. Followers of the ancient religions did not necessarily have anything against Christianity based on its preference for a singular deity—many cults within each sect had a primary deity at the center of the religion, sotto il quale si adoravano anche divinità subordinate. “Paganism” as a title was intended only to reference the non-Christians (e i non ebrei), isolandoli in un'unica categoria che potrebbe essere più facilmente distrutta e sostituita.
Questo sforzo di riunire tutte le religioni non cristiane sotto un unico ombrello è stato, infatti, a clever strategy by the early Christians to remove the “pagan” faiths altogether. Using the Norse traditions as an example, the Vikings of the early medieval period had no true name for their religious following. In truth, la parola religione sarebbe stata un'incognita, foreign term to them. The Nordic tribes preferred the word “customs” COME—like the Greeks and Romans—their rituals, credenze, e le tradizioni erano indefinite e interpretate in modo fluido, orally passed down rather than rigidly studied. There was no all-encompassing word for the belief in the Aesir and Vanir, e i vari altri esseri e divinità adorati dagli antichi norreni, e non c'era alcun testo scritto che discutesse le loro pratiche fino a quando l'autore cristiano Snorri Sturluson scrisse la loro mitologia nel 13 ° secolo.
Secondo Gareth Williams in Viking: Vita e leggenda , quella che oggi è considerata la religione norrena è in realtà “l'eredità dei missionari cristiani”, their textual product a “concentrated target” that is much easier to remove and erase than the amalgamation of gods liberally worshiped. Consolidating the various Norse—and every other “pagan”—tradition into a simplified faith with recorded rules and codes provided the early Christians with a more straightforward target to remove and replace.
Though the phrase “paganism” is widely used to describe followers of the various ancient religions, it is important to understand from where the term originates and the misconceptions behind its usage. Too many centuries have passed now—the word “paganism” will continue to label these supporters despite its original meaning. But it is never too late to be informed of the origins of the term, permettendo così una migliore comprensione della storia degli antichi seguaci.
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